Thursday, August 2, 2012

Shay Kun

So my next artist has some landscape in some of his pieces in addition to other additions of his own. Shay Kun makes some very interesting pieces, loaded with commentary. He combines realistic settings of nature or just landscapes, and then adds in other unexpected elements, such as a sideways hot air balloon in lake in a cave, or hundreds of balloons leaving what looks like a building from ancient civilization. In addition, his titles for his pieces seem to add a lot of context and meaning to the interpretation of the pieces.
If You Choose Not To Decide You Still Have Made a Choice

Sole Survivor
 In his website his pieces are described in the following way: "these landscapes, made with sincerity and attention, are transformed into a juxtaposition of nature and its human invaders, who appear in the guise of tourists or adventure seekers." The description continues on to explain that his paintings are beautiful depictions of nature while showing that man does leave a mark, not a mark big enough to make it impossible to still appreciate the beauty of nature, but a visible mark, nonetheless.
All Unquiet Things

Generation Loss
Even though he's making a negative comment, his paintings are aesthetically pleasing. Some artists would use colors, or compositions, or other styles to make the viewer more uncomfortable, to go along with the message, but he does not. I like that. It seems to express his whole message more clearly: yes, there is something not completely right with the situation, but it does not mean you cannot still enjoy the view.  <--his site where I got the info! Check it out!!


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