Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sharon Johnstone

So my first (and potentially only) photographer that I will feature on this blog is Sharon Johnstone. She tends to take very close up pictures of various subject matter, resulting in a cropped in, abstract-feeling image.
Oil and Water Abstract
She has done quite a few close-up photographs of water droplets, or water interacting with other things, like oil. As Johnstone expresses on her site, the shapes and colors of the water and oil mixture are certainly interesting. In her "Oil and Water Abstract" the shapes look like glass stones. The line of the edges of the shapes, along with the repetition of the round "stones" or bubbles, and the variance in colors, add interest and elements or artistic design to the photograph.

Her photographs, much like the works of Georgia O'Keeffe, crop in so much on an otherwise familiar subject, like the dandelion puff in the above photograph, that the viewer sees the subject matter in a new light. This also makes the elements of design found in the subject matter more apparent for the viewer to appreciate. That is what I like about this style of cropping in, because all around us in nature, both in large scale and in the small scale, there are elements of design to be found.

Dew Drop
I love "Dew Drop" with the lines of the webs, the focal point of the drop,  and the other colors around and reflected in it.

-Maria  <-- her website where I found the photos and other information

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