Monday, July 16, 2012

Linda Mitchell

So the next artist I want to look at is Linda Mitchell. I'm really excited to look at her work because I feel closer to it than other artists' works. This past spring semester, I had the opportunity to intern at the Peninsula Fine Arts Center. While working there, the center hosted an exhibit of some of Mitchell's works. During that time, I got to observe and give a few tours that included her works. So I have grown to not only be familiar with, but love her pieces. 
Quartet Rhino

Mitchell uses a lot of different media and a lot of different subject matter in her paintings. She uses animals (both real and cartooney), plants, words and letters; paints, fabrics, and beads. Some pieces she does on one big canvas, others she creates on multiple canvases. She is intentional with how she does her pieces and with what elements.


According to her site, she uses the images and mixed media to connect with her audience on different levels. According to her site, she hopes that the viewers can see different elements in the paintings, and trigger personal memories or emotions.

Her use of color, space and words work so well together to express an idea. In the piece on the left, "Chilly," she uses the large amount of empty space around the sad-looking puppy to convey loneliness. This photo of the piece doesn't do it justice because you can't really tell that the dog's bed has actual texture, in addition to implied texture. Her use of that combination really does make even the piece, itself, seem to have more depth to it than a normal painting. 
Lost and Fountain

She also skillfully places words in the paintings, and even uses them in the titles, to help in the conveying of the message. In the "Chilly" piece you can see the word "FORGET" and the phrase "ERASE ME." They add to the sense of loneliness and abandonment of the piece. In the picture to the left, the cold, gloomy use of blues, and the large amount of empty space, again, convey a loneliness about the hippo in the picture. Her title, "Lost and Fountain" only adds to that sense, playing on the phrase, "lost and found."

I enjoy Mitchell's works. I like how I can look at the pieces for hours and get different ideas. I like how different people can look at the same piece and get different ideas and feelings. I would like to learn more about how to do that, myself.


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