Monday, June 18, 2012

Silent Shouting
So this time I decided to look at Ali Cavanaugh's works. She is a talented realist artist, who communicates through what is seen and unseen. Her works tend to consist of a female figure with looong knee socks covering her arms or feet. The girl's face is often times covered or not shown, too.

This art expresses Ali Cavanaugh's experiences and views. When she was around the age of two, or younger, she came down with spinal menangitis, which costed her a lot of her ability to hear. She considers this to have been "a blessing in disguise" because it forced her to rely more on her ability to see to understand what was going on around her. It made her fluent in body language.

The Water Surrounds a Space I Keep to Myself
I'm not sure what the significance of the socks are. They are colorful, and one is easily able to see the form of the arms or legs in them. But they still add a sense of ambiguity or make them not as personalized. They seem to almost separate the limbs from the body, as though they are not "related."

 I love that it combines realistic portrayal of what the artist is seeing (her daughter or nieces modeling for her), but also expressing a deeper message. Apparently her works express "images and ideas" from her past. She uses ideas that are common, such as hide 'n go seek. Cool :)


6, 7, 8, 9... 10

1 comment:

  1. also some of the sites i looked at for her work and info are:
