Saturday, May 26, 2012

More than meets the eye

So I know I have a lot of catching up to do, but I also figure I'll take it one blog at a time.

Either way, the next artist I want to look at is another pretty famous one Julian Beever. Though I have never really mastered chalk as a medium, he certainly has. He has also gotten using a fixed viewpoint down to an art (haha, get it?) But seriously, His works are incredible and I could not do a blog about 50 artists and not have him in there. A European, he has traveled around and even used his art to pay for his trips.

White Water Rafting
Apparently he first started doing the fixed-viewpoint drawings that he is so famous for, when he drew a swimming pool in a street in Brussels. After doing this drawing, he played around with other variations of it, eventually realizing how much depth and height he could portray by using the right proportions and perspective.

I love, love, love the trompe l'oeil style of art! One of the things I strive for in my art is trying to make the piece I'm working on look as life-like as possible. Haha! Trompe l'eoil means "trick of the eye," and I guess sometimes you have to even use tricks to make the art seem that life-like.

Julian Beever's work inspires me and challenges me. It  challenges me to think outside of the box. A challenge, which I hope will stick with me as I continue exploring the life of being an artist, and understanding what that means.


By the way, the site where I found the info about him is

Feeding the Fish

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